You are currently viewing 🍊 60+ Best Orange Puns, Orange Jokes to Squeeze Out of
Best Orange Puns, Orange Jokes

🍊 60+ Best Orange Puns, Orange Jokes to Squeeze Out of

🍊 Welcome to the citrus carnival of laughter, where the zest meets jest – it’s time for a peel of orange puns and jokes here on! 🍊


Best Orange Puns

  1. Orange you gonna pick me
  2. Orange U gonna give me a bite
  3. Feeling a-peeling in the morning, like an orange after a good night’s sleep!
  4. Orange you glad we didn’t say banana? It’s pun time!
  5. When life gives you oranges, make puns and enjoy the juicy humor!
  6. Don’t concentrate too much; you might end up with a pulp fiction story!
  7. The only thing getting squeezed here is the punchline – orange you impressed?
  8. Peelings may be the only thing falling, but laughter is rising!
  9. What did the orange say to the grape? Stop raisin’ the bar for puns!
  10. Orange you curious why this fruit is the punchline king?
  11. The secret to happiness: just add a dash of citrusy wit!
  12. These puns are so good; they’re practically the vitamin C of humor!
  13. Orange you excited for a segment of pun-derful entertainment?
  14. When life gives you lemons, ask why it’s not handing out oranges for more puns!
  15. Feeling a bit citrustipated? These puns will surely get things flowing!
  16. Time to peel away the seriousness and let the laughter citrus loose!
  17. These puns are so bright; they’re practically fluorescent orange!
  18. What do you call a sad orange? A little blueberry. Oops, wrong pun!
  19. Orange you glad we’re not grape-ing about boring stuff?
  20. When your day is feeling dull, just add a splash of orange humor!
  21. These puns are like a citrus grove – they just keep getting zestier!
  22. Why did the orange go to therapy? It had too much emotional baggage!
  23. These puns are pulp fiction at its finest!
  24. Orange you thrilled for a pun-stoppable laughter ride?
  25. Don’t be a sourpuss; embrace the sweet and tangy world of orange puns!
  26. The only thing peeling out here is the laughter rolling in waves!
  27. Orange you glad we’re not running out of zest for puns?
  28. Feeling down? Let these puns peel away your blues!
  29. What’s an orange’s favorite dance move? The pulp and lock!
  30. These puns are the zest thing to happen to your day – guaranteed!
  31. Orange you happy you stumbled upon this citrusy comedy show?
  32. When life hands you oranges, make orangeade and sip on these puns!
  33. This pun-tastic journey is juicier than a freshly squeezed orange!
  34. These puns are so bright; they make the sun jealous of their shine!
  35. Why did the orange break up with the apple? It couldn’t concentrate!
  36. Orange you loving the citrusy vibes of these puns?
  37. Feeling a bit vitamin-deficient? These puns are the remedy you need!
  38. Don’t let life’s problems weigh you down – peel them away with laughter!
  39. These puns are so good; they’re practically the pulp fiction of humor!
  40. Orange you glad we didn’t go bananas with these puns?
  41. What do you call an orange with a sense of humor? A jokester!
  42. These puns are a-peeling to the senses – get ready for a citrusy delight!
  43. Orange you impressed with the peelin’ good humor on display?
  44. When life gets tough, just remember: it’s a-peel-ing for orange puns!
  45. These puns are so refreshing; they’re like a cool sip of orangeade!
  46. Why did the orange go to school? It wanted to be a little more well-rounded!
  47. Orange you thrilled to be part of this zesty wordplay adventure?
  48. These puns are like sunshine in joke form – impossible to resist!
  49. Feeling a bit citrus-challenged? These puns will zest up your day!
  50. What’s an orange’s favorite TV show? Pulp Fiction – the series!
  51. Orange you ready for a citrus-infused burst of laughter?
  52. Peel back the layers of seriousness and dive into the juicy world of orange puns!


More Orange Puns

  1. Why did the orange go to therapy? It had too much peelings.
  2. I’m reading a book about anti-gravity. It’s impossible to put down, just like this orange!
  3. The orange tried stand-up comedy, but its jokes were too pulpy.
  4. Orange you glad I didn’t say banana? Sorry, wrong fruit joke!
  5. My friend bet me $10 that I couldn’t eat a whole orange. I won, peel and all!
  6. Why did the orange refuse to play hide-and-seek? It didn’t want to be juiced!
  7. The orange had a crush on the lemon but was too shy to citrus.
  8. I told the orange a joke, but it couldn’t concentrate – it was too segmented.
  9. What’s an orange’s favorite dance? The tang-go!
  10. The orange wanted to be a rock star, but it couldn’t find a good peel drummer.
  11. I tried to make a pun about oranges, but it was citrus-ly hard.
  12. Why did the orange become a detective? It had a keen sense of peel.
  13. The orange went to school, but it couldn’t concentrate – it was too juicy!
  14. I asked the orange for the WiFi password, but it said it was peeling a bit unstable.
  15. Orange you curious why the fruit didn’t go to the party? It felt unpeeling.
  16. The orange was feeling down, so I told it a joke to lift its zest.
  17. I met an orange at the comedy club. It was a real peel-er!
  18. What did one orange say to another during a race? “You’re really pulp-ing ahead!”
  19. The orange went to the art gallery but couldn’t find a good peel-ette.
  20. I told the orange it was looking a bit round. It said, “I’m just segmentally challenged!”
  21. Why did the orange break up with the grapefruit? It found a better zest in life.
  22. I asked the orange if it wanted to play cards. It said, “Sure, but no peel-games!”
  23. The orange tried to be a chef, but it kept getting into a jam with the marmalade.
  24. I told the orange it was a-peel-ing, but it blushed and said, “Stop, you’re making me turn orange!”
  25. The orange wanted to be a comedian, but its jokes were too pulp-fiction.
  26. Why did the orange stop in the middle of the road? It ran out of juice!
  27. The orange joined a band, but it was always getting into a squeeze with the other fruits.
  28. I tried to make orange puns, but they were all a-peel-ing miserably.
  29. What did the orange say to the lime during their argument? “Let’s not get into a zest-off!”
  30. The orange applied for a job at the bank but got rejected – they said it lacked financial peel.

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