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Best Football Puns and Jokes

60 Best Football Puns That Hits Hard, Funny Puns

🏈 Welcome, sports enthusiasts and pun aficionados! Get ready to tackle some laughter as we dive headfirst into the world of “Football Puns”! 🏈 Now, let’s kick off this comedy game with a touchdown of humor. Strap on your cleats and get ready to tackle the giggles – it’s time to score some laughs with these 60 silly, funny, sarcastic, and clever football-inspired phrases: 


60 Best Football Puns

  1. Why did the football team go to the bakery? For a “roll” model!
  2. I told my wife she was drawing her eyebrows too high. Now she looks surprised – just like a football!
  3. What do you call a football player who doesn’t take a shower? A stink-erback!
  4. Why did the football coach go to the bank? To get his quarterback!
  5. My dog is great at football. He’s a real “bark”-yard player!
  6. How do football players stay cool during a game? They stand near the fans!
  7. What do you call a group of musical football players? The Quarterbackstreet Boys!
  8. I used to play football, but I kept getting flagged for unnecessary “pasta” interference.
  9. Why did the football player bring string to the game? To tie up the score!
  10. I’m writing a book on football – it’s bound to be a best-seller!
  11. What’s a football player’s favorite candy? Snickers – they really know how to tackle hunger!
  12. Why did the football team go to the bank? To get their quarterback!
  13. I used to play football in a pudding league. It was a real custard-y battle!
  14. Why did the football team go to space? They wanted to get some “out-of-this-world” tackles!
  15. I asked the football player if he could catch the ball with his eyes closed. He said, “I don’t see why not!”
  16. Why do football players make terrible bankers? They always throw away the change!
  17. How do you organize a space party for football players? You planet!
  18. Did you hear about the football team that hired a chef? Now they’re cooking up some great plays!
  19. What do you call a football player who’s also a doctor? A touchdown surgeon!
  20. My friend told me I should become a baker because I’m good at turnovers. I said, “I’m just practicing my football skills!”
  21. Why did the football player bring a ladder to the game? To go for the high tackles!
  22. I used to be a football player until I broke my last two fingers. Now I’m only allowed to play in “thumb”-leagues!
  23. Why don’t football players ever go on strike? They can’t handle being called “foot-loose”!
  24. Did you hear about the football player who went to school? He was outstanding in his field goals!
  25. I tried to become a football commentator, but my jokes were too pun-ishing.
  26. What’s a football player’s favorite movie genre? Touchdown dramas!
  27. Why did the tomato turn red during the football game? Because it saw the salad dressing!
  28. I asked the football player if he could play the piano. He said, “I can’t, but I’m great at touchdowns!”
  29. Why did the football player bring string to the game? To tie up the score!
  30. I used to play football in a pudding league. It was a real custard-y battle!
  31. What’s a football player’s favorite candy? Snickers – they really know how to tackle hunger!
  32. Why did the football team go to space? They wanted to get some “out-of-this-world” tackles!
  33. I asked the football player if he could catch the ball with his eyes closed. He said, “I don’t see why not!”
  34. Why do football players make terrible bankers? They always throw away the change!
  35. How do you organize a space party for football players? You planet!
  36. Did you hear about the football team that hired a chef? Now they’re cooking up some great plays!
  37. What do you call a football player who’s also a doctor? A touchdown surgeon!
  38. My friend told me I should become a baker because I’m good at turnovers. I said, “I’m just practicing my football skills!”
  39. Why did the football player bring a ladder to the game? To go for the high tackles!
  40. I used to be a football player until I broke my last two fingers. Now I’m only allowed to play in “thumb”-leagues!
  41. Why don’t football players ever go on strike? They can’t handle being called “foot-loose”!
  42. Did you hear about the football player who went to school? He was outstanding in his field goals!
  43. I tried to become a football commentator, but my jokes were too pun-ishing.
  44. What’s a football player’s favorite movie genre? Touchdown dramas!
  45. Why did the tomato turn red during the football game? Because it saw the salad dressing!
  46. I asked the football player if he could play the piano. He said, “I can’t, but I’m great at touchdowns!”
  47. Why did the football player bring string to the game? To tie up the score!
  48. I used to play football in a pudding league. It was a real custard-y battle!
  49. What’s a football player’s favorite candy? Snickers – they really know how to tackle hunger!
  50. Why did the football team go to space? They wanted to get some “out-of-this-world” tackles!
  51. I asked the football player if he could catch the ball with his eyes closed. He said, “I don’t see why not!”
  52. Why do football players make terrible bankers? They always throw away the change!
  53. How do you organize a space party for football players? You planet!
  54. Did you hear about the football team that hired a chef? Now they’re cooking up some great plays!
  55. What do you call a football player who’s also a doctor? A touchdown surgeon!
  56. My friend told me I should become a baker because I’m good at turnovers. I said, “I’m just practicing my football skills!”
  57. Why did the football player bring a ladder to the game? To go for the high tackles!
  58. I used to be a football player until I broke my last two fingers. Now I’m only allowed to play in “thumb”-leagues!
  59. Why don’t football players ever go on strike? They can’t handle being called “foot-loose”!
  60. Did you hear about the football player who went to school? He was outstanding in his field goals!

There you have it – a field full of laughter with these football puns! Get ready for a game-changing experience of hilarity! 🤣🏈

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