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Best Mango Puns That Are Appealing

100 Best Mango Puns That Are Appealing, Funny Puns

🥭 Welcome, fruit enthusiasts! Prepare yourselves for a peel-good time as we embark on a journey through the juicy world of mango puns. If laughter were a fruit, it would surely be a mango – always in season and guaranteed to add a splash of humor to your day. So, grab a mango mocktail, sit back, and let’s dive into the mangoverse of hilarity!

🌟 Peel the excitement and slice into the fun as we explore the mang-nificent realm of puns. Whether you’re a mango-nificent wordplay connoisseur or just here for the tropical giggles, these puns are ripe for the picking. Get ready to mango wild with laughter because, after all, when life gives you mangoes, make mango-nade! Let the fruity festivity begin!


Best Mango Puns

  1. Why did the mango go to therapy? It had too many issues with its pit.
  2. What do you call a sad mango? A de-pressed mango.
  3. If mangoes had a talent show, they’d always win – they have a-peel!
  4. Why did the mango break up with the papaya? It couldn’t stand the paparazzi.
  5. When the mango graduated, it threw its cap up and shouted, “I’m ripe for success!”
  6. How does a mango answer the phone? Mango-lo!
  7. What did the mango say to the blender? “I’ve got some pulp fiction for you.”
  8. Why did the mango go to school early? It wanted to be ahead in the curricu-lum.
  9. If a mango goes to the beach, does it get a tan-go?
  10. Why are mangoes terrible at keeping secrets? They always spill the juice.
  11. Did you hear about the mango that won the lottery? It became a million-apeel!
  12. What did the mango say to the refrigerator? “Close the door, I’m dressing!”
  13. Why did the mango visit the doctor? It wasn’t peeling well.
  14. What’s a mango’s favorite type of music? Rhythm and juice.
  15. How do mangoes communicate? Through the grape-vine.
  16. Why was the mango blushing? It saw the salad dressing.
  17. What did the mango say during the traffic jam? “I’m in a real jam-mango!”
  18. How do mangoes apologize? They say, “I’m really sorry, I didn’t mean to be so a-peel-ing.”
  19. What did the mango bring to the potluck? Its mango-nificent presence!
  20. Why did the mango go to space? It wanted to be a starfruit.
  21. What’s a mango’s favorite movie? “The Pulp Fiction.”
  22. Why did the mango go to therapy? It needed help with its emotional pulp-lability.
  23. How do mangoes express love? They say, “You’re the zest thing that ever happened to me!”
  24. Why did the mango break up with the orange? It couldn’t concentrate.
  25. What do you call a mango with a law degree? A barri-stalk.
  26. Why did the mango become an artist? It wanted to draw a-peel-ing pictures.
  27. How does a mango apologize? It says, “I’m sorry if my peelings hurt you.”
  28. What did the mango say to the watermelon? “You’re one in a melon, but I’m a-peel-ing!”
  29. Why did the mango go to school? It wanted to be a smarty-pants.
  30. How do mangoes keep in touch? They send mango-grams.
  31. What’s a mango’s favorite dance move? The salsa.
  32. Why did the mango bring a ladder to the party? It heard the drinks were on the house.
  33. How do mangoes settle arguments? They have a juicy compromise.
  34. Why did the mango break up with the kiwi? It couldn’t handle the exotic drama.
  35. What did the mango say to the lime? “You’re a-maize-ing, but I’m more a-peel-ing!”
  36. Why did the mango become a detective? It had a keen sense of in-mango-ation.
  37. How do mangoes stay fit? They have a strict diet of mango-salads.
  38. What’s a mango’s favorite exercise? The pulp-ups.
  39. Why did the mango apply for a job? It wanted to be in a-peel-ing profession.
  40. What’s a mango’s favorite TV show? “Game of Stones.”
  41. How does a mango propose? It says, “Will you be the zest to my rest of the fruit salad?”
  42. Why did the mango start a band? It wanted to be part of the jam session.
  43. What’s a mango’s favorite sport? Mango-tennis – it’s a smashing game!
  44. How do mangoes handle stress? They take a tropical vacation.
  45. Why did the mango bring a suitcase to the party? It was ready for a peel-trip.
  46. What did the mango say during the marathon? “I’m pit-ifully slow, but I’m still a-peel-ing!”
  47. Why did the mango refuse to play cards? It was afraid of getting into a jam.
  48. How do mangoes express excitement? They go pulp-crazy!
  49. What did the mango say to the lime? “You’re citrus-ly the best, but I’m mango-nificent!”
  50. Why did the mango become a comedian? It had a natural talent for pulp fiction.
  51. What’s a mango’s favorite subject in school? Alge-bra-fruit.
  52. How do mangoes apologize for being late? They say, “I’m sorry, I got caught in the juicetraffic.”
  53. Why did the mango start a podcast? It had a-peel-ing stories to share.
  54. What did the mango say to the peach? “You’re a peach, but I’m a-peel-ing!”
  55. Why did the mango bring a ladder to the concert? It wanted to get to the top of the charts.
  56. How do mangoes celebrate birthdays? With a mango-ificent party!
  57. What did the mango say to the coconut? “You’re nutty, but I’m a-peel-ing!”
  58. Why did the mango go to the gym? It wanted to be fit as a fiddle-mango.
  59. What’s a mango’s favorite game? Hide and go-peel.
  60. How do mangoes express surprise? They say, “Oh my pulp!”
  61. Why did the mango join a rock band? It wanted to be a-peel-ing to a broader audience.
  62. What did the mango say to the apple? “You’re the apple of my eye, but I’m mango-nificent!”
  63. How do mangoes handle tough situations? They stay calm and keep their com-pulp-sure.
  64. Why did the mango break up with the banana? It couldn’t handle the banana drama.
  65. What’s a mango’s favorite song? “Sweet Caroline” – but they change it to “Sweet Mango-line.”
  66. How do mangoes express frustration? They say, “I’m in a real mango-lemma!”
  67. Why did the mango become a gardener? It had a natural talent for a-peel-ing landscapes.
  68. What did the mango say to the orange? “You’re citrus-ly amazing, but I’m a-peel-ing!”
  69. Why did the mango start a band with the pineapple? They wanted to create tropical harmony.
  70. How do mangoes make decisions? They trust their gut feelings.
  71. What’s a mango’s favorite superhero? Captain Mango-merica.
  72. Why did the mango refuse to play hide and seek? It was afraid it would be too a-peel-ing.
  73. How do mangoes express gratitude? They say, “You’re mango-nificent for being in my life!”
  74. What did the mango say to the grape? “You’re grape, but I’m a-peel-ing!”
  75. Why did the mango become a detective? It had a keen sense of in-mango-ation.
  76. How do mangoes keep their secrets? They lock them in the pulp-itentiary.
  77. Why did the mango go to the comedy club? It wanted to peel with laughter.
  78. What’s a mango’s favorite board game? A-peel and seek.
  79. Why did the mango start a band with the banana? They wanted a-peel-ing music.
  80. How do mangoes solve problems? They take a mango-nanimous approach.
  81. What’s a mango’s favorite vacation spot? The Bahamas-gos.
  82. Why did the mango become a scientist? It wanted to unlock the secrets of the mango-verse.
  83. How do mangoes express sympathy? They offer a-peel-ing condolences.
  84. What did the mango say to the lemon? “You’re tart, but I’m a-peel-ing!”
  85. Why did the mango become a chef? It had a taste for a-peel-ing cuisine.
  86. How do mangoes greet each other? With a mango-nificent handshake.
  87. What’s a mango’s favorite social media platform? Insta-juice.
  88. Why did the mango go to the party alone? It didn’t want to deal with the pulp-arazzi.
  89. How do mangoes organize their events? With a mango-nificent plan.
  90. What did the mango say to the strawberry? “You’re berry nice, but I’m a-peel-ing!”
  91. Why did the mango go to space? It wanted to be a starfruit.
  92. How do mangoes express joy? They go mango-lly dancing.
  93. What did the mango say to the avocado? “You’re guac-ward, but I’m a-peel-ing!”
  94. Why did the mango bring a umbrella to the beach? It heard the forecast was a little pulp-y.
  95. What’s a mango’s favorite clothing accessory? A-peel earrings.
  96. Why did the mango refuse to play cards? It was afraid of getting into a jam.
  97. How do mangoes celebrate milestones? With a mango-nificent party.
  98. What did the mango say to the lime? “You’re a-maize-ing, but I’m a-peel-ing!”
  99. Why did the mango become a teacher? It wanted to impart a-peel-ing knowledge.
  100. How do mangoes apologize? They say, “I’m sorry if my peelings hurt you.”


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